Why We All Need to Just Relax

Samantha Hannabass
3 min readOct 4, 2020
Photo: Thrive Global

I sometimes find myself over analyzing and stressing about such small unimportant things, I have been doing it my whole life. Have I come to terms with it? Yes. Have I told myself to stop? Yes. Do I still do it? YES.


I guess it’s one of those things that’s easier said than done, stop stressing, but why is it that I know that I don’t need to worry, but I do anyway?

We all need to learn to relax a bit more.

Now more than ever, the world is making everyone freak out a bit, understandably, but that is the main reason that we should instead try to relax a little. All I do is see people complaining about so many things that they have no control over.

Things we need to stop bitc*ing about:

  • COVID is a thing, yes it sucks, but complaining about it is not going to make it go away. We have to suck it up and deal with it because that is all you can do.
  • Politics is such a fun ice breaker- said no one ever. We all have our opinions, I get that, but we do not need to be talking about politics all the time and we especially do not need to be posting about it all over social media. The election is coming up, so it is understandable that we may talk about it more because it is important, but it comes to a point where we need to just relax a bit and not let it get to us too much. Just go vote. Arguing with a stranger on social media about politics is going to get you nowhere in life and honestly just makes you look like you have no life. So, stop.
  • Our president. It doesn’t matter who you are and what you think, our president is our president and you complaining about him will not change that. Find something else to put your time into than bashing on the man who is trying to lead our country. This leads to such negativity when there could be so many other topics spoken about that can shed some light in the world that needs it right now.

Things we can do instead of bitch*ing:

  • Love on your family. We can take the negativity in our minds and focus more on the loved ones around us. We could all use a bit more family time these days and it will get your mind off of the things that are bothering and help you relax. It will remind you of what really matters.
  • Try a new hobby. With all the things listed above in the bitc*ing section, maybe what we need is a hobby to take our minds off of it. Try something new, do something you have always wanted to, but you never did. 2020 has been so crazy that why not do something out of the box. Write, get some exercise, try a new sport, maybe get in the kitchen and learn to make some new food.
  • Get out of the house. Go to the park, beach, things that we can do while dealing with COVID. Getting out of the house and doing anything will help you relax and be reminded of the good things in life.

I’m not sure about you, but I think this world needs a lot more positivity going around, it starts with us. Let’s get reminded of all the GOOD things in life instead of drowning ourselves in the bad ones.

